This blog is to provide a home for podcasts, information and feedback on the Resonance FM weekly radio shows "I'm ready for my close up" & "Panel Borders" which cover the varied worlds of film, TV, comic books and related media. The shows are broadcast live in London on 104.4 FM and streamed over the internet at
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Podcast: The Magic of Alan Moore part two
Tonight's Clear Spot: The Magic of Alan Moore parts two and three
Links: Wikipedia entry on Alan Moore
Download comics by Alan for free from
7pm GMT Resonance 104.4FM /

Friday, January 26, 2007
Podcast: The Magic of Alan Moore part one
Thursday, January 25, 2007
Tonight's show: The Magic of Alan Moore part one
N.B./ parts two and three of this interview will be broadcast on Tuesday from 7pm...
Links: Wikipedia entry on Alan Moore
Download comics by Alan for free from
10.30pm GMT Resonance 104.4FM /

Friday, January 19, 2007
Podcast: Paul Gravett's guide to comics part two
(mp3 format, 26.4mb)
For more info on two of the writers Paul mentioned, here're links to the wikipedia pages on Gotthold Lessing and Philippe Druillet...
Thursday, January 18, 2007
Tonight's show: Paul Gravett's guide to comics part two
Buy Paul's books from Amazon
10.30pm GMT Resonance 104.4FM /
Friday, January 12, 2007
Thursday, January 11, 2007
Tonight's show: Paul Gravett's guide to comics part one
Buy Paul's books from Amazon
10.30pm GMT Resonance 104.4FM /
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
Podcast: The Horror films of David McGillivray
Links: 'Worst Fears' website
David's filmography on the IMDb
Download (mp3 format, 26mb)
Saturday, January 06, 2007
Podcast: Comic Book Legal Defense Fund
Thursday, January 04, 2007
Tonight's show: The Comic Book Legal Defense Fund
As we're still within the season of giving (it's Twelfth Night tomorrow), why not listen in and support a charity that protects comic book creators and shops from the vagaries of American law regarding the first amendment...
Links: CBLDF website
Wired article: When comics and laws collide
The Comics reporter article: Withdrawal of comics from a Missouri library
Baltimore City Paper article on the CBLDF
First Amendment Center website, re: Freedom of Speech and comics
Wikipedia article on 'The Millar Test' (US equivalent of the obscene publications act)
10.30pm GMT Resonance 104.4FM /
Tuesday, January 02, 2007
Podcast: Desperate Optimists and the art of the long take
Originally broadcast 5th October 2006: Alex Fitch interviews Joe Lawlor, who with Christine Molloy make up the film-making duo 'Desperate Optimists': a couple who make short films in a single take. Alex and Joe discuss the new film 'Daydream', which premiered at the Liverpool biennial last year plus Joe and Christine's award winning series 'Civic Life' and also mention their favourite examples of the long take in other people's films...
Links: Desperate Optimists' website
'Daydream' screening details
Buy 'Civic Life' on DVD
Civic Life review at
Download (mp3 format, 27mb)